Contributing to the API

This article provides a high level overview of how to contribute changes to the DroneKit-Python source code.


We highly recommend that changes and ideas are discussed with the project team before starting work!

Submitting changes

Contributors should fork the main dronekit/dronekit-python/ repository and contribute changes back to the project master branch using pull requests

  • Changes should be tested locally before submission.
  • Changes to the public API should be documented (we will provide subediting support!)
  • Pull requests should be as small and focussed as possible to make them easier to review.
  • Pull requests should be rebased against the main project before submission to make integration easier.

Test code

There are three test suites in DroneKit-Python:

  • Unit tests (tests/unit) — verify all code paths of the API.
  • Integration tests (tests/sitl) — verify real-world code, examples, and documentation as they would perform in a real environment.

Test code should be used to verify new and changed functionality. New tests should:

  1. Verify all code paths that code can take.
  2. Be concise and straightforward.
  3. Be documented.

Setting up local testing

Follow the links below to set up a development environment on your Linux or Windows computer.

The tests require additional pip modules, including nose, a Python library and tool for writing and running test scripts. These can be installed separately using either of the commands below:

# Install just the additional requirements for tests
pip install requests nose mock

# (or) Install all requirements for dronekit, tests, and building documentation
pip install -r requirements.txt

For several tests, you may be required to set an environment variable. In your command line, you can set the name of a variable to equal a value using the following invocation, depending on your OS:

export NAME=VALUE      # works on OS X and Linux
set NAME=VALUE         # works on Windows cmd.exe
$env:NAME = "VALUE"    # works on Windows Powershell

Unit tests

All new features should be created with accompanying unit tests.

DroneKit-Python unit tests are based on the nose test framework, and use mock to simulate objects and APIs and ensure correct results.

To run the tests and display a summary of the results (on any OS), navigate to the dronekit-python folder and enter the following command on a terminal/prompt:

nosetests dronekit.test.unit

Writing a new unit test

Create any file named in the tests/unit folder to add it as a test. Feel free to copy from existing tests to get started. When nosetests is run, it will add your new test to its summary.

Tests names should be named based on their associated Github issue (for example, for issue #12) or describe the functionality covered (for example, for a unit test for the waypoints API).

Use assertions to test your code is consistent. You can use the built-in Python assert macro as well as assert_equals and assert_not_equals from the notestools module:


Avoiding printing any data from your test!

from import assert_equals, assert_not_equals

def test_this(the_number_two):
    assert the_number_two > 0, '2 should be greater than zero!'
    assert_equals(the_number_two, 2, '2 should equal two!')
    assert_not_equals(the_number_two, 1, '2 should equal one!')

Please add documentation to each test function describing what behavior it verifies.

Integration tests

Integrated tests use a custom test runner that is similar to nosetests. On any OS, enter the following command on a terminal/prompt to run all the integrated tests (and display summary results):

cd dronekit-python
nosetests dronekit.test.sitl

You can choose to run a specific tests. The example below shows how to run

nosetests dronekit.test.sitl.test_12

Configuring the test environment

Integrated tests use the SITL environment to run DroneKit tests against a simulated Copter. Because these tests emulate Copter in real-time, you can set several environment variables to tweak the environment that code is run in:

  1. TEST_SPEEDUP - Speedup factor to SITL. Default is TEST_SPEEDUP=1. You can increase this factor to speed up how long your tests take to run.
  2. TEST_RATE - Sets framerate. Default is TEST_RATE=200 for copter, 50 for rover, 50 for plane.
  3. TEST_RETRY - Retry failed tests. Default is TEST_RETRY=1. This is useful if your testing environment generates inconsistent success rates because of timing.

Writing a new integration test

Integration tests should be written or improved whenever:

  1. New functionality has been added to encapsulate or abstract older methods of interacting with the API.
  2. Example code or documentation has been added.
  3. A feature could not be tested by unit tests alone (e.g. timing issues, mode changing, etc.)

You can write a new integrated test by adding (or copying) a file with the naming scheme to the tests/sitl directory.

Tests names should be named based on their associated Github issue (for example, for issue #12) or describe the functionality covered (for example, for an integration test for the waypoints API).

Tests should minimally use the imports shown below and decorate test functions with @with_sitl (this sets up the test and passes in a connection string for SITL).

from dronekit import connect
from dronekit.test import with_sitl
from import assert_equals, assert_not_equals

def test_something(connpath):
    vehicle = connect(connpath)

    # Test using assert, assert_equals and assert_not_equals


Use assertions to test your code is consistent. You can use the built-in Python assert macro as well as assert_equals and assert_not_equals from the testlib module:


Avoiding printing any data from your test!

from testlib import assert_equals

def test_this(the_number_two):
    assert the_number_two > 0, '2 should be greater than zero!'
    assert_equals(the_number_two, 2, '2 should equal two!'

Please add documentation to each test function describing what behavior it verifies.